I've tried to be witty and faithful, but it really just isn't working out. However, I do believe I have found a new use for this blog.
I am overweight. According to my Wii, I am obese.
I am an overspender. I am not in debt, but I have no money saved, and it is not a result of not making enough money. I do not pay attention to where my money is going.
I am wasteful of my time. I spend far too much time sitting in front of the tv or avoiding my homework. Much of this time is spent spending money on useless things.
I need your help. I need to get on this. I am 21 and in TERRIBLE shape. I have decent body control (balance and that sort), but I need to lose this weight, I need to eat healthier, and I need to manage this time. I have one semester of collage left before I have to have my stuff together. I am starting now. Right now. At this moment.
I need you all to be my motivation. I need you to cheer me on, give me recipes, and call me on my issues if I lax. I need to set a good example for the children in my life, my boyfriend, my dad, and my friends. I need to do my sister's wedding photos justice. I need to be healthy enough to live a long, long, life. I need to budget and get my finances in a great place so that I don't end up 50, in debt, living in an apartment, unable to pay my own bills.
It won't happen overnight, but it's going to happen. Here's my plan.
Step One: Make a chart which I will carry in my purse which monitors how I spend my time, money, and calories. For now, this is just for me to get a view of what's going on. I'm going to keep track of the food I eat, but I might not always have the caloric information. For now, I just want to be aware of what's going into my body. As for money and the time, this will help me become aware of where I'm pooling my excess resources. As time progresses, this should become more detailed.
Step Two: I may be too lazy to go to the gym everyday right now, but I have a Wii fit. I am hereby PROMISING I will get up thirty minutes earlier to do Wii in the morning and I will Wii at night before bed. This is a mixture of weight loss, balance, yoga, and just overall fitness. I think this will be a good bridge to fitting in gym time.
Step Three: STICK TO IT. This is where you all come in.
I will post this chart everyday in my bedroom. Each day's list will be compared to the previous day's list. I will be aware of the differences and will take this into consideration for improvements.
I am going to do this. Here's to a good first day of this new lifestyle.
You go girl! I am totally behind you on this! :)